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Hajime Inoryu will start a new manga series titled “Furitsumore kodoku na shi yo” in the upcoming Magazine Pocket app issue

A new manga series by the creators of “Shinai naru boku e satsui o komete” Shota Ito & Hajime Inoryu titled “Furitsumore kodoku na shi yo” will start in the upcoming Magazine Pocket app issue on August 28, 2021. While much about the series is still under wrap but it has been revealed that it will be again a new manga with psychological thriller elements featuring cops as the main cast.

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (Oregairu)- A Contemporary Character-Driven Rom-Com by Wataru Watari – Complete Review

How many times have you been click baited to a youtube video that had almost nothing about what you wanted it to be, well Oregairu is or maybe like that. Oregairu is not that general high school rom-com where there are funny moments within a classroom, people falling in love without a care, or friends going around merry about their days, rather it’s deeply rooted in the internal conflicts which a teenager goes through, where many tiny occasions make an impact that’s quite big.

18 Amazing Quotes From Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

If you are an enthusiast of a Slice of Life comedy-fantasy, if you are looking for some healing and moe, you definitely cannot miss to pass through Coolkyousinnjya’s Kobayashi-san Chi no Meidoragon which unwinds the unique world of comic misadventures from life’s bottom of reel to curbside and from top of reel to streetside. It truly is the ultimate home drama with moe, myths and legends, and a smile where you can just chill around and get a feel in the most wholesome way possible.