Just Read These 5 manga by Yusuke Murata
Yusuke Murata, the man behind the smash hit One Punch …
Go Beyond Your Usual Anime Knowledge
Yusuke Murata, the man behind the smash hit One Punch …
Internet’s move into network television illustrates how not only entertainers …
We hate recommendations and reviews that start off with unnecessary prose, so let’s skip all that and get to the meat of things! 12 New Summer 2021 Anime You Should Be Watching Right Now.
Adult Swim Youtube channel revealed on Tuesday that the production …
Comicclan.com is one of the fastest-growing online comic book stores worldwide. With a library that contains more than 10000 Comics and Graphic Novels they successfully made a name for themselves and further developed their market position as one of the India’s leading suppliers of manga and graphic novels in the last few years.
“It” began to walk. Carving into its mind, the frostiness of the wind and the smell of the snow. Yet it had no destination-the tale of ‘To Your Eternity’ finally made its way into the anime community. And while it is still airing I decided to bring you 5 amazing facts to spice up your weekly watching experience. So without further ado let’s dive into it
How do you view the idea of portraying real-life situations with fiction? Well quite the contrasting words I have used there, but somehow the world of anime has made it to synergize perfectly. And here is a list of 6 such anime blending the world of fiction and realism into one
There is no better way to connect with someone than through music. So, this time rather than words we have chosen the path of the music to reach out to you!
“Even if we painstakingly piece together something lost, it doesn’t mean things will ever go back to how they were Berserk”
Came back from an exhausting day of work? Bored from the constant hassle of life? Or had a bad breakup! Come along watch some anime. Here are a few selected to lift your mood no matter the situation also some reality check that you require