Top 15 Wonderful Quotes From Wonder Egg Priority

We’ve gathered our 15 favourite quotes from Shin Wakabayashi,’s Wonder Egg Priority.

Here you go, enjoy :

1. Ai Ohto

“Hey, If I protect a bunch more people, will Koito come back to life? She will, right?!”

“I’m done with the me that craved attention. I’m going to believe! If I don’t, I can’t protect anyone! Can’t love anyone!”
~Ai Ohto
“My mom does everything so perfectly, at home and at work, she works really hard. But I think that’s probably why my dad left.”
~Ai Ohto
“Crosswalks are still scary even when you move with the crowd. I’m done pretending not to see! “
~Ai Ohto

2. Momoe Sawaki

“There are more than you’d think, Haruka. Girls like you, who say they love me.”
~Momoe Sawaki
“Sometimes you end up enjoying something even though you didn’t mean to.”
~Momoe Sawaki
“You break up with boyfriends, but best friends are forever, right?”
~Momoe Sawaki

3. Rita Kawai

“I’m Rika Kawai. Like “kawaii,” ’cause I’m so cute.”
~Rika Kawai
“Someone has to be the bad guy! If you want friends, you’ve got ’em!”
~Rika Kawai

“That was close. I almost turned into a selfish, piece-of-shit mother. My mom taught me one true thing. Men who ask women for money are all fakes!”
~Rika Kawai
“My daddy says a beautiful woman doesn’t need a wallet. Someone will always offer to pay her. Of course, he got divorced.”
~Rika Kawai

4. Neiru Aonuma

“I’m not like you. I love myself.”
~Neiru Aonuma
“That’s why I go. No other reason. It’s for me.”
~Neiru Aonuma
“You’re lovely that way. You’re hopeless and lovely that way. We need someone like that sometimes, or we’ll never be saved.”
~Neiru Aonuma
“You don’t like who you are now, so you go. Even if you’re scared. You want to change the self you hate.”
~Neiru Aonuma

How did you like these quotes from Wonder Egg Priority ? Which one of them do you find most interesting ? Do not forget to let us know down below in the comments !

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