Set in an actual Japanese mountain pass, this work depicts the story of “racers” who strive to take on deadly roads in the shadow of mountain passes. Behind the wheel of the mysterious “Ghost of Akina” Takumi Fujiwara, who had no interest in cars, gradually becomes fascinated by the world of racers and grows as a racer on his way to becoming the greatest racer ever.
Even if you are not interested in cars, it is a manga that has the power to change your mind. It feels like a royal road in terms of pacing, with foes appearing one after the other and fighting. You will feel revitalized, and energized, and perhaps in no time you will be genuinely, truly, madly, fantastically, and unquestionably in love with the entire thing.
So if you haven’t watched the series yet, maybe it’s time you give it a go. But before you go, here are some of the best motivating & inspiring quotes from the legendary series.
So without further ado let’s go,
29+ Incredible Initial D Quotes to Lift Your Spirit
Takumi Fujiwara
Ryosuke Takahashi
Koichiro Iketani
Keisuke Takahashi
Bunta Fujiwara
Takashi Nakazato
Wataru Akiyama
Hojo Rin
Dr. “God Hand” Toshiya Joushima
Kozo ‘God Foot’ Hoshino & Shuichi Fumihiro
There you go our list of amazing quotes from Initial D. What do you think of the list? Did you like it? What are some of your favorite quotes from Initial D? Let us know in the comment below!