Atsushi Okada (Nyankees) will start a new manga series titled “Sousei Yuugi” in the upcoming Weekly Young Magazine on April, 26. MU describes the manga as a story about a group of brothers and their conflict over the traces of the strongest family organization. Read more about the detailed review of Sousei Yuugi by Atsushi Okada in our featured articles.
About Author: Atsushi Okada
Atsushi Okada is famous for writing Nyankees, an action shounen series that explores a unique story with cats, and delinquents as a theme in it. Okada launched the manga in Monthly Shōnen Ace magazine in July 2016.
Nyankees has been published in English by Yen Press since January 22, 2019, and it describes the manga: Protecting your turf, keeping other guys from pawing at your girl, showing everyone who’s boss, scraping by—it’s all in a day’s work when you’re a street thug…or a street cat! Explore the hidden world of rough-and-tumble stray cats depicted as delinquents in this quirky and hilarious series!