24 Amazing Quotes By Itachi Uchiha

Itachi, one of the coolest, saddest and one of the most complex characters beautifully written by Kishimoto. It is hardly possible that you are watching/watched Naruto and do not know about him. Someone who has always stayed in the dark to protect those in the light, Naruto fans always have a special place for Itachi in their hearts. Today, we have collected some of Itachi’s best quotes and compiled them here.

“You are weak. Why are you so weak? Because you lack… hatred.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“Growth occurs when one goes beyond one’s limit. Realizing that is also a part of the training.”
~Itachi Uchiha

“Obsessed with Organization, obsessed with the clan, obsessed with ourselves. A worthless compulsion that enslaves us and limits our capabilities, leading us to fear what we don’t understand.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“Even the strongest of opponents always have a weakness.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“You Focus on the Trivial, and lose sight of what is most important, Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance. How can we Evolve when Regulation is all we know?”
~Itachi Uchiha
“It is foolish to fear what we have yet to see and know.”
~Itachi Uchiha

“Teachings that do not speak of pain have no meaning, for humankind cannot gain anything in return.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“Knowledge and awareness are vague, and perhaps better called illusions. Everyone lives within their own subjective interpretation.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“You’re such a child. You talk of nothing but pipe dreams… there are times when people must make painful choices.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“No single thing is perfect by itself. That’s why we’re born to attract other things to make up for what we lack.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“Those who cannot acknowledge themselves, will eventually fail.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“You and I are flesh and blood. I’m always going to be there for you, even if it’s only as an obstacle for you to overcome. Even if you do hate me. That’s what big brothers are for.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“It is not wise to judge others based on your own preconceptions and by their appearances.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“Those who forgive themselves, and are able to accept their true nature… They are the strong ones!”
~Itachi Uchiha
“People’s lives don’t end when they die. It ends when they lose faith.”
~Itachi Uchiha

“If I had been open with you from the start… and looked you straight in the eyes and told you the truth, then I wouldn’t have had to stand before you, from above, as a failure, telling you all of this. So this time, I want to impart this truth to you… You don’t ever have to forgive me. And no matter what you do from here on out, know this… I will love you always”
~Itachi Uchiha
“The village does have its dark side and its inconsistencies, but I’m still Konoha’s Itachi Uchiha”
~Itachi Uchiha
“You don’t become the Hokage to be acknowledged by everyone. The one who is acknowledged by everyone becomes the Hokage.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“Those who kill their own comrades are sure to die a terrible death.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“We don’t know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are. That’s what death is, don’t you think?”
~Itachi Uchiha

“People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true… that is how they define reality. But what does it mean to be correct or true? Merely vague concepts… their reality may all be an illusion.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“You hold onto the organisation and your clan name. These things limit us and limit our capacities… These things deserve to be shunned. It is foolish to fear what we’ve yet to see and know!”
~Itachi Uchiha
“If you want to kill me… curse me! Hate me! And live a long and unsightly life… Run away… run away… and cling to your pitiful life. And then some day, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me.”
~Itachi Uchiha
“Don’t cry, Sasuke. Your big brother is here to protect you, no matter what happens.”
~Itachi Uchiha

Here were all 24 quotes of Itachi. Which one is your favourite ? Which one do you think carried the most meaning ? Let us know soon!

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