Ecchi is a genre that we stumble upon by chance and keep watching by choice. Well, it is what makes you a Man/Woman of Culture after all, but all Ecchi and no story doesn’t match the requirements of many so here is a list of all Ecchi Anime that are not just focused on Ecchi scenes but also have a variety to offer and enrich your viewing experience. Once again these are not ranked and anyone may like anything (so do try all of it just to make sure, haha)
Have a good time!
1. Food Wars! (Shokugeki no Soma)

Well, when was the last time you mistook a “supposed to be family show” to rock your senses when watched?
Well, all I can advise is that keep your earphones on, turn the volume down and let no one know what you’re watching. It’s not just a cooking show after all.
The first sin committed by mortals was for food (an Apple). And thus food is no common topic. And Food Wars leaves no stone unturned to make that statement shine in bold, it takes the way you experience food and how you eat it to a new level you never knew would exist. The show even though has a somewhat of an average story but has almost everything else made perfectly starting from the raunchy animation to the superb main character who is not dumb but a total badass.
The story focuses on the rise of Yukihira Souma a youth who is admitted to Tohtsuki Culinary Academy a world-famous school that produces brilliant chefs. His dream is to inherit his Diner from his dad. And so he begins his journey to the top in his school but very soon his unique style and highly effective methods come under recognition from everyone he makes many friends and learns from them and keeps getting better.
Well, this all sounds like typical Shounen anime but the point of difference remains “Food”.
Shokugeki no Souma is a food anime where starting from recipes to the science behind the taste are all dutifully described and explained thus giving it the edge. And then comes the reaction to the prepared dish, people are screaming in pleasure, clothes are torn off within moments, orgasms are a common occurrence, and what not. All for nothing but food and you can’t help but dream how good the food really is, your thoughts are forcefully drawn towards the imaginary world of Gourmet and you are left helpless with just the screen in front of you. And the way you experience your food has already changed forever. With superb side characters, the plot is superbly paced and gives you a wholesome experience with a pinch of naughtiness mixed in
The common problem with a show based on such an uncommon topic of “food” might not be enticing to everyone and it’s very much subjected to such prejudices almost by everyone before they start watching this. But by the time you finish this, your concept of “food porn” will never be the same.
2. Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry (Chivalry of a Failed Knight)

In the midst of many Ecchi Animes sometimes all that you seek is good action and some waifus around the MC (Main Character). Well, do not fret from your path as this is just the anime you were searching for.
It starts off with a high school set up where the school provides training to future Knights and the Main Character is the worst student who is considered useless by everyone then comes in the female lead Stella Vermillion who is a world-known prodigy and they somehow end up as roommate she challenges the protagonist to a duel and loses to him and comes to know that his rank was not because of him being weak rather he was discriminated against thus begins the story of the Failed Knight. Very soon there comes the tournament arc (you might have guessed it) and you get to see some real good action-packed scenes, but what strikes out even among all these is how the main character is not OP (OverPowered) he is weak but rather than chance encounters and plot armors he fights with his brain too (yes a harem MC who uses his brain). But he faces discrimination again throughout this tournament and that’s where the story really starts touching your heart, an emotional edge gives it quite the boost in midst of mind-blowing action sequences thus giving you an experience you can’t just put off your mind easily.
Even though not world-class, the fight scenes are well thought out and you get to see unique styles of various characters and unique weapon usage. Though the various side characters that come in as challenges to the MC portray the general tropes and it is quite predictable but the way of execution of the results of each fight is unique and thus leaves its mark.
Though when a Shounen anime when expands its reaches to the Echhi genre it has likely lost its primary moto but Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry provides adequate Ecchi scenes without disrupting the main action sequences or without disrupting the flow of the story and you’re not confused whether to feel the “Oppai” and “Thighs” or delve into the action. Thus it can be said that the Ecchi scenes are to complement the story not to complete it.
3. Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist

Ever wondered what if you were to be apprehended for sharing lewd images to your friends or just by telling dirty jokes in public. How boring of a world would it be.
Well, Shimoneta is just the anime as said above. A hypothetical societal setup where anything you consider 18+ is a crime straightforward and Exhibitionists are termed as terrorists. Youth are brought up by parents and schools feeding the idea of purity and how you become useless to society once you delve into such obscene work, people seem to stack and hide away their stash of old dirty magazines and doujinshi instead of guns and bullets. Shimoneta might actually be a very deep projection of how the older generation (yes the boomers) feel about the workings of adulthood when they see the younger generation handling it in some superficial manner and how they might be repulsive of the easy-going nature our generation is being brought up ……or it can simply be a dumb anime with lots and lots of dick jokes compiled together.
I’ll be honest with you and say it’s a ‘bad’ anime considering there are better shows in the Echhi genre to choose from (like Highschool DxD, Highschool of the Dead) but they are too well known and the reason this anime ends up on this list is because it presents dumb humor in a way no one else does.
A bunch of horny teens put together in a school that restricts any illicit behavior what else do you expect other than being bombed with high school jokes on sex and your genital parts. Then comes in that crazy Student Council President Anna who is running with her ‘love juice’ to feed the main character Tanukichi in various ways but knows not that he is part of a secret organization that is against this modern thought process of Japan and wants it to return to degenerate style along with the Vice president who appears to be the public moral enforcer in the school but is a terrorist spreading lewdness among public distributing lewd pictures and old adult magazines. Well everything and everyone is a mess in its entire run of 12 episodes and you are left with two options either laugh or just get frustrated.
3. Kill la Kill

There might be an anime that leaves its mark on the viewer, a mark so deep you keep searching for similar experiences in other places, and Kill la Kill probably is one of those anime (at least for me).
A ridiculous plot when combined with some even more ridiculous characters is bound to shake your bones till the end and you’re left with cramps in your abs not from rigorous training but from a 24 episode anime series that was launched way back in fall 2013. Even though the tags to the anime say Action Comedy, Superpower, School, and Ecchi it’s a cocktail that leaves a huge hangover i.e., it’s perfectly blended together.
So the story goes as Matoi Ryuuko our lead girl in search of the killer of her father for revenge and ends up at Hounnouji Academy a very special school which is ruled by the Student Council President Satsuki Kiryuuin and her Elite 4 with the power of their special costumes(which grants you powers and makes you look like a total clown) whereas Ryuuko has just her father’s last invention the “half scissors”. But very soon enough she is shown to bite the dust as she cannot stand against the elites of the school. But she encounters a special uniform herself and it’s a sentinel, named Senketsu and then she begins her journey anew, though she knows not what more is to unfold and how crazy it is to go henceforth. Well, this is all that can be said without spoiling it. But why should you give this show a try, for starters let’s say “Comedy” yes just for that, and yes since this show focuses on powers that come from clothes you can imagine them being very “Anime like” because that’s where the Ecchi scenes mostly fit in, then a plethora of comic characters (for example Mankanshoku Mako) and some superb action scenes that just make you drool (Salute to Studio Trigger). These all give the action-packed comedy-drenched anime series the special edge that no one expects. The story twists and turns on every moment you just start to feel ‘ok’, every counter is dealt with another counter with an equal force, each character somewhat outsmarts the other and then again gets outsmarted themselves (sorry to make that into a JoJo reference) and in midst of all this chaos is bliss with some Echhi scenes that hinder nothing but add the glamorous touch.
Secret Organisation a super-powerful Student Council some very unique “character designs” and of course the best girl Mako (you will get to know her once you start the show) and her strange family every element is so good that you cannot just take a moment of breath.
5. Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend

In all of Romance anime “Boring Girlfriend” is a unique existence known to very few and credited by even fewer. To begin with Tamoya Aki a hardcore Otaku who is deep within the world of Games, Manga, Anime, and whatnot. He has a simple demeanor but is witty to say at least. He one day decides on making a dating game for paying back all the fun he received from the Otaku world by creating something different and unheard of. He puts together a team of his childhood friend Eriri Spencer who is a genius illustrator working undercover while in school, his SenPai Kasumigaoka Utaha a renowned literary elitist, and his inspiration Katou Megumi on whom the game will be based on. While Eriri is a tsundere and Utaha SenPai is the classical “anime senpai”, Megumi is the most normal among them but it’s just her emotions that don’t come to the surface, and Tomoya is just your typical Shounen MC. Everything till now might seem pretty normal and nothing out of the ordinary but the main focus of this anime is on character building and the bonds the characters share amongst them, which ends up nothing short of magical considering the fact it’s an anime focused on making “dating sims”. Also do not forget the banger of an Opening song that touches your heart straight away. The characters are seen grinding in their work while making significant progress within themselves and coming closer to being friends. Within all this everyone is quite expressive except for Megumi, but somehow she keeps the balance in the team and ends up being the one that patches the small gaps whenever they start appearing and in the process of making her feel and express emotions Tomoya makes various himself more suited to his job as a director and you feel quite happy for them, somewhat mysterious chemistry that is not completely true neither false blooms quite nicely. Even though Ecchi is a tag that’s added to it, such occurrence is minimal.
There you go with our list! Do you think the list justifies the title of the post ?! What’s your favorite ecchi anime ? What’s your favorite among this list ? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!